@TamesideCouncil Longendale reservoir in #Tameside. Great for walks and cycling.
@fyldecouncil had a great time on nice clean #Lytham beach in #Fylde at the weekend. Took this photo too. Perfect day
@MENnewsdesk all tram tracks backing up.
@MENnewsdesk #Metrolink gridlock!
Makes me wonder when #USA will learn.
#gunControl #America #shootings #children
@PanseyPotter yep, powercut. Depending where you live could be out until 1030 or up to 1630 this afternoon.
@MENnewsdesk not surprised. #Tameside is littered with unhealthy eateries. Chips & fry ups everywhere.
@myfourthirds I can’t access your website, @ESET anti virus blocks access to it. 
Says it’s an unsafe website?
@burgerking_uk lorry misjudged #Manchester bridge & blocking the road. Too many #whoppers.
Loving my #MicroFourThirds camera. I’m developing a worrying obsession for lenses though :-/
Ah, the magic of gas & air. No pain, just chilled and floating off out of the hospital. The inventor is my hero.
Open fracture to big toe as bone came through my skin. Ouch is the polite edited version of what I said at the time.
#ACForklifts taking up a child space. Shame on you lazy single childless driver.
@MENnewsdesk looks like the signals are starting to fail for the trains in #Tameside. Driver out of train, not going.
Would you buy something that someone has taken a wee on?
#Manchester #wee
@MENnewsdesk but the weather is back to normal after a touch of recent sun.
@MENnewsdesk spring at #HeatonPark  #Manchester
@MENnewsdesk bus crashed in to pavement in snow on Stamford Road, Mossley due to snow. Road block.
#Dovestones réservoir today as the snow melts away. Fantastic place as ever.
The #chinook helicopter landing in North #Manchester. 
#HeatonPark #boghartHoleClough
@Responder_Boots drying off the RF/1s after trudging through the snow.
Obligatory brew in hand.
Kept my feet warm & dry
#HomeOffice cuts see dramatic changes in e-fit technology!
@DPD_UK one of yours, wrong way on 1 way street & blocking whole road when plenty of parking for nearly 5 mins today.
#bloodOrange obsession continues. Eaten 3 and can’t stop ARRGH!

But so nice…

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