@SAD_Reality sorry u can barely see it but hopefully u get the idea.
I wanna get more like this- bright colors tho!
@SAD_Reality well this is the only mono I have.. I had a beige one that got lost in the mix somewhere..
@SAD_Reality remember these??   <3      :-))
@SAD_Reality looks way better than he used to!! Guess he's alive after all lol
@SAD_Reality I know ..We're watching kill bill..
I stay up late every night..& realize its a bad idea every morning :(
@SAD_Reality aww u went & found it! :-D
Yea grl that's the top...
I'm embarrasses lol
@SAD_Reality it was actually her 6th bday! Awww ..
Now she's talking about what kinda car she wants -_-
I don't even know my passcode anymore.. Just the motion of my thumb!
Totally dislike riding with ppl! But love saving my gas ;-))

lol !!
So must I stand here all day b4 I even get acknowledged?!?
She was born in '86 tho...
So guess who didn't go to sleep not once last night?? 
But I'm up & in the bldg... with my coffee☕☕
Taco Bell Shawtyyyy :-)
Lol who remembers this song?? Somebody was maaaad! 
Tell em y u mad Eamon
S/O 2  @Wesofunkydotcom #WeSoFunkyENT 
#FunkySaturdays @ ChitChat!
Come check out  @ScapegoatJones &  @theWunManBand
@theWunManBand @ScapegoatJones @BuckGordy 
Big ass stogie!
@theWunManBand 's Birthday Bleezy!!

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