What a storm can do to an innocent party-tent!! #fail
And all is gone.. Tree, RIP..
There goes the tree! (4)
There goes the tree! (3)
There goes the tree! (2)
There goes the tree! (1)
Preparation Course 1: Swedish Meatballs!
Simpsons & Beer.. DOH!! :D
Likes his 'mobile office' ;)
Having fun @flowtilburg Thank-You-BBQ
Tommy is sadly not a Twitter fan.. RIP little birdie..
Daddy's 'dreamcar' (?) is parked right around the corner!
Testing: Moby + Twitter + Facebook all in one!
1st PRIZE!! We won first prize in UID Research Phase!! Job well done team :)
Ready for UID final presentation!
Hoezo overbodig laptop gebruik..
Nothing like a good cup of 'pleur' in the morning..
MDB's Olympische 100m Sprint
Photoshopping in the train, what else..
Tommy, the true Lion King ^^
Dré &  Famke aan de zwengel ;)
QueensNight party op Koningsplein met de Baronnen!!
QueensNight BBQ: After..

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