@battleofhoth 0-:-P
I don't trust your counting... 0-:-/ #Romney #Obama #Campaign2012
@NBCSports Who actually likes Pierre McGuire other than Sidney Crosby? #NHL #stanleycup #flyers #devils
Damn it! There's chips in there too! ...I think... 0-:-/ #lays
Mmm - nice big fat bag of air!
@NBCSports As opposed to Pierre McGuire who is only important to Sidney Crosby... #NHL #stanleycup #nyr
#Oreo Breastfeeding Ad 0-:-P
Dick sucking #Confucius say...
WOW - #HarryPotter is absolutely FILTHY!!! 0-:-O
"Cars,Charlie,McDonalds,Brown,Justin,Cous,Cherk,Pizza,Cheese,Costco" #Catlady #ShoppingList
Why Señor Guinness, if I had been expecting you I would have put some pants on
Think a good tattoo artist can turn this into a Jet? 0-:-/ #Tebow
Happy St Patricks Day!!! 0-:-P
Notice the 10+ hours of undisturbed decomposition as well as COMPLETE lack of toilet paper in the bowl...
Happy #AshWednesday !!! 0-:-P
Don't get raped by #Jesus 0-:-P
Always beware of - #ScreenPube !!!! 0-:-O
#MerryChristmas from #TopTenJesus and #BlackSanta !!! 0-:-P

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If I was the Real Jesus I would be watching you masturbate right now... 0-:-P

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