We have a newcomer at Chillr office :p
I guess he thinks its the best place to stay...
Playing with "Playstation Home" and surprised to see the Taipei 101 on the background!! Can u see ?
All the food shops in my street are still closed, ended up with a 7-11's 中華涼麵 :-/
Hayaaaaa !!
I was the only one resident without a 福 on his door, now it's fixed!
Found a U shaped trad chinese house in the middle of Taipei
2 Girls and 2 Boys are locked in the same hot room, what do you think they are doing ? :p
The PIP system is quite handy, can watch tv and check is the PS3 has finishes her update
Unboxing the PS3!!! Not sure ill go clubbin tonite :p
Menage à trois
少林足球 in HD !
Finally Got home with my new tv !!! It was a looong trip.
Highly respected... ;-)
Pinyin from nowhere...
Bossa Nova Night Live
野一 野一 !!! Finally received the letter of admission !!!
Wondering why they used Cantonese pronunciation instead of Mandarin (should be Fu2 Ji4)
Doesn't Kaixin001 looks much better like this ? :p
Does someone know how to read these chinese characters ?
Meet 貓大哥!!
I'm sure that even you guys in the Valley you don't have the "Facebook Magazine" !

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Responsible sales & marketing Asia for a french startup, DJ, musicaholic, Chinese languages addict, deep interest in the Greater China's cul

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