Spin Span Spun #Partay
John Selway is about to start
The real 5th element
Doomed, just jogged 2h for nothing #不變瘦
Earthfest !!!
Luckiest cat ever...
Morodizing The Villa!
王子大婚 王子大婚 王子大婚 王子大婚 連在微波也有王子大婚的故事 !! 幹 !  受不了。
That's a hell of a baozi !!!
Taiwan also have its shanzai characters, not traditional (would be 關), not simplified (would be 关)
Lugang Temple
Matzu procession
彰化孔廟 (Changhua Confucius Temple)
A new use for my Mahjong table! #Traktor #Ableton
This is not an advertising for Monster Beat :) SubKitchen was a great party!
Vestax + Monster #TheVilla
how am I supposed to sleep now ? #MvsC3
Time to prepare the moto for the summer!
In my old apartment, cleaning and fixing the wooden floor. I will miss that sunny place
Good life #Felix
The NCCU Crew! #Beach

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Responsible sales & marketing Asia for a french startup, DJ, musicaholic, Chinese languages addict, deep interest in the Greater China's cul

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