
I had mine done the other week, no sparkle though.
@LoulouElla so are mine
@tattooed_mummy @codenametanya 

Dogs should be in the boot behind a fixed barrier or wear a harness like this..
Awwwww too many candles on your birthday cake hey @Sir_Rants_Alot
Today I am making notes in red, this makes me feel all 'go get em tiger'

You might need these
@Sir_Rants_Alot here ya go...
I got @Sir_Rants_Alot a birthday badge
Sorry guys, if it pisses it down today, it's my fault for wearing these
Which flavour shall I be today?
Its ok, there's no hurry.....

Hey, your party invite is here, you can chaperone the little shit

Get yourself registered with Graze.com

They are for days out in the country, love em!

It's lush, I practically inhaled the focaccia
Breakfast has arrived at last!
Hand over your sausage butty or your new shoes have had it!
Best pals
Got all giddy excited when I read this...
I could really do with a cuddle about now. Mr R Bear will just have to do.
Off to stomp up hills in my birthday shoes. I just know I am going to ruin my toe polish.
And the pampered tootsies

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Cloud Cuckoo

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