Day 3 at OSU rehearsal
Day 3 Benny the Beaver
Day 3 OSU Campus Tour
Day 3 - 2:30 at OSU for tour
Day 3 Lunch in Canby, OR
Day 3 Shang Dynasty Replica
Day 3 why we didn't go to Starbucks
Day 3 - 10:20 at Portland Coffee
Day 3 - 7AM Megan departs for Cornell
Day 2 - 8pm Union High performs
Day 2 - 7:15 Bear River prepares to play
Day 2 - 2:25 planetarium show
Day 2 - Noon. OMSI, Portland
Day 2 - 10AM Oregon Museum of Science...
Day 2 - 9AM Leaving motel for OMSI
Day 1 - 8:15 Portland from the bus
Day 1 - 4:35 Hwy 42 Winston
Day 1 - 2PM Oregon State Line
Day 1 - 12:25 Lake Shasta
Day 1 - 11:30 rest stop, Corning, CA
Day 1, 10 AM Dunnigan, CA
At this latitude?!
LS-a poses in front of her new ride
is enjoying home made bread. Mmmm

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