Can anyone explain why this is the Belgian national symbol? #fb
Au revoir Londres, et bon weekend à tous! P.S I hate data roaming charges. Fundamental right to Internet FTW! #fb
And I shall be seeing the PM for a second time in a week at #PMQs tomorrow! :-) #politicsgeek
Talk with Prime Minister (from afar). Another day in the office. #fb
At The Alice House with friends. Steak sandwich #nom #fb
Currently at this Exposed exhibition at Tate. Sadly, a bit of a disappointment. Lots of interesting themes they could have explored but put up random pictures lazily...
Interesting juxtaposition. 1997 article on Diana's death with an ad for new 50p coin with Queen's head. Hmm.
Reason #156 to like Primrose Hill. The abundance of these:
@BoySean Amy's crack.
Wow they've opened an old style sweet shop in Hampstead - you pick sweets from bug jars like in Roald Dahl's Boy!
Here you go Mr Rabbit.
Walking behind Bill Nighy in Belsize. Promise it's him just didn't dare to take paparazzi photo!   #fb
Awww DanDan. I attach something to alleviate your stress. It's Twitter tea! What's the problem?
My Twitter wife will be pleased to know that I'll be tucking into these during #Dorothy  @clarissacambrid
@DavidThompsonNI I told you it was true! :-) #millie
Omg Look what I saw on the tube!
Is that good news for you? Here's the pic I was gonna upload lol
Followed by a bowl of M&S joy/goodness!
My dinner Part I
Then this. Can anyone understand these screens? :-(
Anyone good with computers?! Mind won't load up. I get this first

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Anthony Myers


Living in London, working in politics...still some way to go before realising the West Wing dream.


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