Dear @williebosshog,
  Your headband inspired me. My @westone in-ear monitors will never be the same. 

I don't get sucked into Facebook, but this made me cry a little.
Thank you Greenville, Ohio for a wonderful evening! You've earned "creepy hand picture"

@jeremycowart @davidmolnar whoa whoa whoa. Have you seen mine?
Convinced @timtimmons to fake playing keys during our set in front of the castle at Disney world. Awe...some
NIGHT OF JOY!!! You guys were fantastic! You've earned "Creepy fake gymnastics mickey"

Breaking news!!!!!

It's on kindle as of today!
Thank God Nobody was hurt.
It's 10:17! Have a great day everybody!
Hey @JonAcuff. You missed the boat! This conference should go over like gang busters!
Thank you Hot Springs for a great night! You've earned "awesome guy!"
A snippet from @PastorTullian's next book "One Way Love"
Oshkosh! Thanks for a great evening! Remember who you are in Christ!

You've earned "Pug Life"
No no no...we owe YOU Lee Greenwood!

He's got skillz!!!
The perfect spring day.

Fresno, Sactown & San Jose! Thanks for the incredible weekend! You've earned something super special!
Fresno, Sacramento, San Jose! You have us an unforgettable weekend. So you've earned something reeeeeally special
Woke up in Greenville,tx. Flew to San Jose, ca. Had an awesome scoot. And playing the shark tank tonight!
Ahh Seattle! Spring is in the air!
This just happened. 

Salt Lake City!!!! We're coming for ya!! And I'm bringing this dude with me!

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Bart Millard

Dallas, TX

Singer for the band MercyMe.



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