You come across great things while scouring court records:
Me and the pup:
Chester has taken over my childhood bed.
This is the scene in my lap right now.
Look! It's the "TED NUGENT FOR PRESIDENT" sticker I saw the other day! #nuge4pres
This is what the @dispatch_argus newsroom looks like right now.
Best-decorated house in Rock Island? Perhaps.
Wearing my Communist Party tshirt (thanks, @threadless) today. Happy Independence Day, all.
This mountain was magical, right @BarackObama ?
Why yes, that is indeed a giant cow in the parking lot of Laundromania in Davenport.
Crazy clouds.
My boy @mattlindner killing it with "Stacy's Mom."
It's @mattlindner rocking the house!
Rock Em Sock Em Robots at the bar? Yes please.
Hello Chicago. You are hazy today.
On the road and feelin' good.
Rockin' the hipster glasses for the next couple weeks.
A little reading material and a little liquid refreshment.
Lunch = egg sammich with cheese and bacon on toast. Happy Bill this makes me.
Some days I wonder how I read my own handwriting.
Rearview desk mirror
One beer consumed. Steak is resting. Sox game on TV. Life is good.
Duck wandering near the Blue Cat.
A little light reading for an afternoon in the park.

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Bill M.

Rock Island, IL

I'm a left-handed reporter and part-time blogger. I drink way too much coffee. I'm changing the world, one tweet at a time.



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