Day 3 (or 4) Another cold morning. And the clouds are looking good in the northeast.
Day 2 (or 3) Held! Track changes! And the commuters waiting for the 705 do not know what secrets await them on the 706...
Day 1 (or 2) Oh happy day.
Day 5 Blue-gray sky. Cooler than it has been - lets call it a winter morning. OK?
Day 4 A squirrel walking on the wire. A squirrel crossing the street. The clouds are on the move.
Day 3 Hard to believe it is just Wednesday. Not hard to believe it is raining.
Day 2 Cool and overcast, but not raining...yet...
Day 1 Running late and fog. Not running late because of the fog.
Day 4 A squirrel walking on the wire. A faint waning crescent in the south.
Day 3 Earlier, the sky featured some wonderful clouds. Oh nevermind.
Day 2 Waning crescent in south. Frost on the car windows.
Day 1  The commuter across from me is taking advantage of the LIRR's living room seats - feet on the seats and a movie.
Day 3 (or 5) Overcast.
Day 2 (or 4) Not raining.
Day 1 The morning of Christmas Eve at the station.
Day 5 Raining. And you can leave early today because the LIRR is running extra trains!
Day 4 (or 5) Note to self: Coffee not sugar goes into the French Press. Oh yea it is Friday...
Day 1 Everything is late!
Day 4 (or 5) Just about caught the train. Listening to the soundtrack to Le Cercle Rouge by Eric Demarsan.
Day 3 (or 4) Just a small reminder - it is winter.
Day 2 (or 3) A Big Gulp left in a parking spot. It is just another morning. Just another morning.
Day 1 (or 2) Tuesday. Raining.
Day 4 Moving from left to right.  In the western sky a waning gibbous moon.  Losing the day to night. Close the door before you have your fun.
Day 3 Standing room on the train and mostly blue skies on the outside.

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