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12 Aug 2016 17:52

What is the current stardate...0310.MP3 

5000 Trek Points if u can tell me...I know what it is... #startrek #startrek50

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posted by joseph hepburn 12 Aug 2016 18:43

Bwah ha haaaaaaaa!

posted by joseph hepburn 12 Aug 2016 18:28

Now I get 14 views. C'mon you gotta be faster than that. C'mon step it up. J.

posted by joseph hepburn 12 Aug 2016 18:27

How we getting on with Amidala's Ship?

posted by joseph hepburn 12 Aug 2016 18:26

It's 223304 btw. Gitta know ur trivia dudes. Okay let's keep it moving. J!

posted by joseph hepburn 12 Aug 2016 18:24

My friend Darcy said 2224. Now I don't know if his keyboard was busted or what but that wasn't the correct answer. He's just caught the Spear on Nero man. It doesn't matter that he was @ the bank and couldn't get to his DVD. Mess with the Nero, u catch the Spear. Thems the rules. I'm a harsh games master man and the 5000 points are off the table. Nero.

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Sabotage from Trek 0317.MP3 What is the current stardate...0310.MP3 A bit more #Nero 0307.MP3
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