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Kiss Goodbye to Sunsets 2
11 Sep 2016 21:33

Kiss Goodbye to Sunsets 2 

#skiesablaze #thtonlylvrscee

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posted by joseph hepburn 11 Sep 2016 22:15

What I'm talking about won't be apparent yet and I must confess I feel a certain amount of guilt at using another's pictures to convey what I'm thinking, however I do think this one is very well suited to this beautiful, delicate and fragile time but if you think this picture;s beautiful, I urge you to be here over the next few days for Kiss Goodbye to Sunsets's really a picture to see and along with the other sights and sounds, it should really make September 2016 a year you'll remember for the rest of your life. Well I think that's more than enough from me, I've long since past making sense. All I can say is for now is, be good and I'll see you in the dawn. This is Cj Ace saying Goodnight n Starsbless. Peace.

posted by joseph hepburn 11 Sep 2016 22:05

It's because of this magic, I don't feel bad about posting this now. People pass away, life carries on. Where as many years ago, we may have burned a fire or danced around a may pole to mark the changing times, now we have computers, smartphones etc to convey to the rest of the world what happening, what we're feeling and that same force that made people sit round fires or dance round poles or sing their songs, is the same 'spiritual' force, if I can call it that, that motivates me to type these words now.

posted by joseph hepburn 11 Sep 2016 21:58

As sad as it was, 9/11 was, if we're to believe the media a result of 2 spiritual tribes going to war. Muslims vs Christians. If you've followed me over the years, you'll see that I've done my damnest to stay out of this war. I've chosen to believe in atheism in the hope that people would perhaps follow suit and put behind them their tribal differences. I suppose this is as good a time as any to confess that I, as we probablly all do, live a ort of dual life, where @ times I feel there is only harsh cold stark reality and other times where I feel, perhaps spiritual is too strong a word, but I feel there is something in the air, the memory of lost ones, the change in the seasons. Almost a kind of magic around, something elemental...etheral.

posted by joseph hepburn 11 Sep 2016 21:45

I feel a little disrespectful posting this after my 9/11 post, my respects to everyone who died on that day 15 years ago and to the familys and friends of the victims, I feel your loss. My thoughs are with you at this time.

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