Object of the day. Sublime Olympic themed ukelele window display at Duke of Uke, e2. #citizencurators
@realnickperry I think this is my best #blimppic offering of today. Empty bike hub #citizencurators
The pin collector on the right said i only included the one on the left out of sympathy. #citizencurators
#sexism in westfield toilets? No matching sign for the lads! #citizencurators
You know this already, but the view from the skate park over the live event fence is top #citizencurators
More security than civilians on the bus. Think they were going home. #citizencurators
@realnickperry best #blimppic i can muster today. E3. I have many that are even worse. #citizencurators
Guys in pink will fix you bike for free. #citizencurators
Police in the bike parks 12noon til 7pm every day at v park, eton manor and abbey lane. #citizencurators
Completely irrelevant, but probably my favourite shop front ever. #citizencurators
This girl had the gall to call 2010 stuff "tourist shit" only 2 days ago #citizencurators
@realnickperry challenge? #Blimppic of the day for next 6 days. Phone cameras only. #citizencurators
Bells. Not Olympics. 2 hour respite. #citizencurators
Team "Jesus saved me from loads of stuff" at stratford bus station #citizencurators
Team Islam at stratford bus station #citizencurators
Olympink phone box in stratford. Object of the day #citizencurators
Object of the day. My eldest daughter's arse. Her verdict on Olympics: it's not that bad #citizencurators
Object of the day if if hadn't been eaten. Chocolate wenlock after a sporty sleepover #citizencurators
Thompson's DIY Ltd show their support for team GB with a patriotic display of hard hats #citizencurators
Object of the day. The World in London. Portraits of 204 Londoners with country codes. V park #citizencurators
Agnes (8) points to this stall and announces "tourist shit" #citizencurators
Sumo wrestling in Victoria park. Why not? #citizencurators
Balloon model animalympics in my house today. If only they went to private schools #citizencurators
Oh, how we love a "don't park your bike here" notice.

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Claire Davis

London, UK

keywords: Tower Hamlets (E3); cycling; breastfeeding; daughters; proud #citizencurator


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