Free 0800 number app. Not sure if it works yet but it has good reviews #free0800
@milkyjoe75 that's the entry point. Wtf!
Where's my owners?
@FBishWife  @milkyjoe75 hogwarts here we come
@looopygrl  @RSArtWorkshop  @shanbryony forgot to add picture!!
This is what the bell end looks like!!!
@SolracNunez ouch. My head!  I drunk all this then hit my head on a door frame.
Bottles of drink like this just belong at  @milkyjoe75 and  @Tarnabanana house.
@SolracNunez  @looopygrl #schwing
@Teejay9119 remember that 10p you dropped at poker! It's mine!!  @paigetowler shouldn't of robbed us! #pennypinching
Come along and join in with the holiday spirit! Free entry to those with an index finger  @looopygrl xx
@milkyjoe75  @looopygrl my project! #thestark
Why does tess look like a cross between "Tinie tempah" and "brick top" from snatch
@looopygrl  @RSArtWorkshop good old dablooms!!
@milkyjoe75 gonna test drive this bad boy
@milkyjoe75 well deserved. Might finish la noire then get the dlc for TLOU
@milkyjoe75 this tattoo is by far the best I've seen in years and tilts me towards getting one. Like it?
Helps if I add a picture dammit.
NOB HEAD KLAXON  #firstdates
What a load of rubbish. #whatsapp 

Surely another fake ass message
@looopygrl TIPSY!!!!! U lil bstad
Worth a try ...
Seems legit. Well at least if you do get an electric shock your already in the hospital #nhs

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