Felt like singing tonight, listen at own risk. Man of Constant Sorry.
@BrooklynBeast @darkfairymomma Or my solution. A remote! :)
@megsaint http://www.batterblaster.com/
They're actually not bad, and great for camping.
I've got my Cow Card, Davis Sq. in 15m. Sure, the ice cream and chocolate is sublimation of other desires, but WTF
Somebody likes my boots.
Good (snowy) morning.
Penny whistle (part of a set of tunes learned from Malke of Cucanandy, played on a brass Burke D whistle).
Girls didn't want all the food W had packed for their trip. My post-thanksgiving diet has been postponed.
Juxtapostion of top tweet and bottom tweet is rather amusing.
W was very upset when I told her Moas were extinct.
Dining room table set (panorama).
Well, I know what I'm eating for the next week!
A rare picture of my face.
She's not protected, and it is private.
There's something very not right about this (sfw) image.
@TheQueenKatrina Not a great one (and pre-pasties), but… It's from QTOPIA HyperGender Burlesque.
@Princess_Kali Just wanted to assure you that your raffle prize did not go unappreciated. ;)
Apparently they have robotic sex in NC. You have to consult with the electronics department when buying condoms.
Had extra time, so taking quick tour of Kings Mtn National Park. Turning pt of Rev War. Props to @theBsideOFme.
Okay, that was a serious peach!
If all's well, car's ready by noon. 11h to NYC. Aiming for 1p Fri. Need to pick Thu night stay in striking range.
I love mountain streams like this.
I love mountain streams like this.

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