Look its @mewroh with her lovely pink pen  #BBCTechWomen 
At the #BBCTechWomen event. Good to see @si_lumb @Gabiskandar and many others...
I'm currently watching : the leftovers s1ep1
Its BBQ time at @IslingtonWharf  and the sun is out
If there was a time to question my community spirit. Cleaning 2x BBQs alone would be the time :( @IslingtonWharf 
watching : Under the Skin, which is a flipping odd film! (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1441395)   :/
Breakfast before the peak district @LauraGordonComm @simon_mott @JRutherford_88 @RosieCampbell @cnorthwood
Friday drinks with new friends
@MikeA_MCR like this but more space from the bicycles @MediaCityUK. Note no fine for this guy either
Guess what i got...
@ArchitectJane no worries. Were still bbqing.
At @damsonmediacity enjoying cocktails :) with @LauraGordonComm @cnorthwood  @andrewbonney @RosieCampbell and others
I won't lie I was slightly starstruck interviewing @docsearls
Live from #werewolf
Something found at @TechHubManc for @adew. But @si_lumb, @brooksoid, @wearesorryfor and @ArchitectJane may like?
Just watched : The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1981107)  
Little treat myself on the train back home.v much deserve it after going to london & sheffield + speaking 2x
Excellent talk about the @bbcrd scalable documentary from @brooksoid and @ReeJo1  #sheffdocfest 
 live from variable length documentary session #Shefdocfest 
#Shefdocfest @bbcrd variable length documentary preview!  With @brooksoid @ReeJo1 
Welcome to @BBC_Connected one planet briefing
watched : silicon valley s1ep8 Optimal Tip-To-Top Efficiency #Yatse

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Ian Forrester

Manchester, UK

Senior Producer at BBC R&D, emergent technology expert and serial Manchester and London social geek event organiser.

web www.cubicgarden.com


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