...sirup heaven wassup!!!
...how ya doin'?
...let's go!
RT @bellavistaZH ...last time was too much fun, let's do it again. spread the word people, LIL' L 24.3. at bellavista!
...nooo way?!? @ThatMadonnaGirl @KirillWasHere
...now that's a beauty!
...hey @Jeruthedamaja you just came to my mind. how is everything? remember this?
; )
...just read that. hope it's either not true or that it just doesn't matter. cC: @SirGildo
...those f*ckers hanging out.
... @Rafayels here a little teaser:

(while i'm doing the gifts thing myself)
...waaait a minute! didn't the whole sh*t start over there in the first place. plus, did they solve anything?!!
... @sophiekienzler. took care of that.
RT @annmariecreat Son richtig fette bagger woti mal fahre // g*ils chick. ; ) me 2! (odr het das öpr andersch gseit?)
...live tweet! takin' care of biz while on the bike.
...this morning i saw the @NYNightlife -car in zurich.
...die voll idiote sölled doch a ihrne eigne pyros verbränne!
...oh hold on, i'll turn it around and see if @Axwell retweets this.
...OH YESSS! the real deal.
...fucking idiots!
...funny i have a similar one on my phone. where in NY is that again? i'm not sure anymore RT @ThatMadonnaGirl @senna1
...kinda funny just checked the new @KirillWasHere LIV-gallery and the first picture i clicked on 'cause the pink-glasses-girl looks hot, has probably the only person i know in that room on it. @TiffZ
...aaah now i get it. ; )
...know what's good before it's IN or OUT! ; ) @yvenvogel @dariusplus

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