They were out of 32. #fb
Spending some time with my wheel gun this afternoon. #fb
So much nail polish, so little time. @Sfaierie #fb
Attack of the Sarah. #fb
Rocking out at the wedding reception for @Sfaierie’s coworker. #fb
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur… #fb
This is blue. He is grey. That is all. #fb
Time to hit the rave with @Sfaierie. #fb
So apparently @Sfaierie is pinkie pie. #fb
Best sign EVER. #fb
Wow. This is pretty cool to see in print. #fb
Bangkok has him now. #fb
New business cards arrived today. #fb
So @DoomsdayDanie gave me more refrigerator art. #fb
Second shooting a wedding today with @chasingphoto. I am rocking the purple bow tie. #fb
And an added bonus of pretty clouds. #fb
Bike is all put together and I am rewarded with a rainbow. #fb
My fortune. In bed. #fb
Decided it was time to get my road bike cleaned up so that I can start riding again. #fb
Mandarin duck. Live, not cooked. #fb
The delta queen. #fb
Bluegrass at the river. #fb
Sirius is glad to have ac back so he can get to his regularly scheduled nap. #fb
The culprit. #fb

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Derek DeWeese

Nashville, Tennessee

Photographer, Canon shooter, Geek, Costumer, IT guy, Harley rider, Conservative



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