Wonder if I can make it home on that?
@brycehansen19 helping at tball practice.
Waiting to "Chill" at Southland.
The boys waiting for their food at Red Robin.
Off to the gym.
Misty and her OCD. Have to have an even number so both halfs of the lineup are even.
The boys are wondering where we are going. :)
Working with Colby while the twins practice.
Looking over scout stuff for next year while the boys are playing out back.
Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful bride. :)
Not much work for graphics this weekend.
Me with Nick Vujicic before service. Check lifewithoutlimbs.org for more info
My TD staring off into space getting ready for service.
Was there any doubt?
Colby checking how well he washed his hands at scouts. Kind of like the tablet after you brush your teeth.
Me and two of my monkeys getting ready to go in the mall.
Trying to work my way through this recession traffic to get to the mall.
Yea. We're there.
Legends win !!!!!
Oh yea. It's baseball time. Let's PLAY BALL!!
Colby and Cole warming up this morning.
Colby and his smores.
Trailer ride
Colby sitting in front of the camp fire.

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Darrell Jordan

Nicholasville, KY, USA

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