And I got the materials for my course! Eeeeeee! Exciting evening. :)
And I got the materials for my course! Eeeeeee! Exciting evening. :)
Woooooooo hoooooooooo
I seriously can't get over this little (huge) girl. I'm acting like I've never seen a rabbit before but I am SMITTEN.
Sometimes my job is pretty awesome. Giant bunny snuggles ftw.
I wish someone loved me enough to give me this on Valentine's Day.
My sun bear friend Palu enjoying the sunshine and 70° temps today. We are all ready for spring. :)
Om nom nom nom nom...
Favored pet medicine from Walgreens. Okay.
Game night...
Are you telling me I CAN'T keep a cape buffalo in my backyard?? (But wtg, VA, for new dangerous animal legislation).
This is the INTERSTATE by my house. I stg this is the stupidest thing work has ever asked of me & that's saying A LOT.
This is gonna be super awesome fun. And it's snowing again.
Face. @rufflesfeather
This year I will not take this for granted. LOOK AT THAT PICTURE. And I didn't even care that I was so close. Pfffftt.
Look!!! Oh man I'm gonna start a parakeet breeding empire.
Good lord.
idk who made the coffee this morning but I'm pretty sure it's half motor oil, half battery acid.

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Between VA & NC

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