Surprised to see flounder, on  @SeafoodWatch bad list, but  @RMSeafood says line caught. Need to research.
Fois gras hot and cold at  @RMSeafood. Cold w/ uni, warm over toasty crisp sushi rice & eel-like sauce:
Boulliabase: very mild flavours but balanced.
Official slot machine of #NN10 ?
.@UnstableIsotope is being entertained by my first (last?) pedicure. So ticklish, I almost giggled my supper out.
@plutoniumpage @fvdlfvdl America! F$&%k yeah!
Tostada w/ refried black beans, leftover chipotle pork, avocado, roasted tomatillo salsa, all from scratch:
First peppers out of the garden:
From the grill: trout, corn, potatoes. Snort of Viognier on the side; rest went into peach sangria.
AUGH. Running will be hell this week:
Chipotle-rubbed ribeye (overcooked a tad alas), sweet potato, Cabernet Sauvignon:
The rhubarb-anise upside-down cake turned out awesome!
Today's tipple: watermelon-cucumber-mint gin tonic.
(2/3) Sangria, fresh tomato salsa and guacamole: great trio for a summer evening.
Mint daiquiri using aforementioned 2:1:0.75 oz ratio. Good!
Potatoes tossed with olive oil, garlic, thyme:
Just a regular guy:
Blueberry peach cobbler; tea in my #MST3K mug.
Blueberry-peach cobbler, still bubbling from oven:
Burger with Indian vadouvan, radicchio, mint yogurt sauce: (h/t @cookinglight)
@nemski The Canadian is on the porch with beer and a chessboard:
Yellow Mole a la  @Rick_Bayless Everyday Mexican (but less finesse, bigger chunks):
My lime has a "Mojito" sticker on it, as if it knew it's fate:
Going to cook with chaote for first time. Find it's puckered-sphincter appearance off-putting:

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