Tom Freund at the Union Room in San Francisco..,
Venice Beach. Late afternoon sun...
Time to for a nap on the beach...
Paul Chesne and the Chambers Brothers at The Stronghold in Venice. Remember those guys from the Sixties..?
Paul Chesne Band at The Stronghold in Venice...
California knows how to party. Brett Dennen at the House of Blues singer-songwriter benefit for Haiti...
At the House Of Blues. Singer-songwriters benefit for Haiti. Kate Voegele just played a great set...
What a wonderful day. To spend some time at the Waterfront Cafe...
Jack's Mannequin at the Viper Room. "Band practice before we go on tour..!"
Pretty long line of fans in black for Ozzie's book signing session at Book Soup on Sunset.
With @JoshVeld at the Getty Villa in Malibu.
While taking a leak at the Cafe 50's Diner in West LA you can read the news, or the ad on erectile disfunction..
They were filming for NCIS;LA today on the boardwalk. LL Cool J and his co-actor were chasing a biker...
We're back to normal SoCal weather in Venice. Same photo as yesterday, but now with clear skies and sun...
Nedstat just won the reporting & analytics category at the Streaming Media Europe convention in London!
Still raining in Venice Beach. Apparently all the locals love it. The good news: tomorrow the sun will be back..!
Took a walk to the head of the Venice Pier. An angler had just caught this shark. Was still alive...
Mayor Villaraigosa opens the Dennis "Polar Bear" Agnew Memorial Skatepark in Venice Beach...
Hanging with a nice LA tech crowd on top of the Erwin Hotel in Venice Beach, practically in my back yard.
Mr. Venice Beach competition on Muscle Beach. Didn't make to the finals...
Thank you, but no. New on the Venice boardwalk: "Botox on the Beach"...
If I ever need another day job...
Another beautiful day in Venice Beach. Eco-fest going on in the front-yard...
Dropped off @mijnmoeder at LAX. When we got close to the airport the delayed KL601 was landing...

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