I LOVE Sophia Rapata. Her soul is in every piece of her artwork. Can't say thank-you enough for this portrait of me
@KellyOsbourne HELP! I say yes!! Very anti-stylish folk at the office.
@SarahKSilverman Maybe too much on the system. Steamed rice/baby food is easy. Just went through this. Good wishes
@MelissaEGilbert I'll see your drunk pup and raise you a very funny family reunion prank pic!
@ValEKilmer HERE...I'm not "there" so
@AndrewJenks The decision will be easy when you have the right tattoo. This is from the last card I got from my dad..
@MercedesJavid Ah! We'll keep good thoughts...
@dannygokey thought you'd enjoy.
@PauleyP He rescued us. Hub's had radiation still had to tend to puppy. Kept him moving forward. 11 yrs of blessings
@pattyduke_id The face we can't say NO to...
@yokoono #smilesfilms
@NiecyNash And..(this one touched my heart, and a nerve)
@Diane_Keaton Certainly not a "cover-pup" but our super pup!
@MissKellyO You are too cute! Love you and your mom...reminds me of me and my gorgeous daughter ♡
@Ruth_A_Buzzi Daughters new cat...
@MrJackO Does it at least make me hip? Or, marginally cool?
That's all...
@TheBillHorn  Growing SO fast!  Lucky girl to have such great parents. My kids are grown-see how cute in the pic!
@KLR14 We understand...this is our baby (12yrs) 
LOVE SOA!! Can't wait for new season.
@LisaBloom Corn cobs? Never heard that!  Good for the dogs, huh?  I'll try that...or, at least the dog will. ♥
@TheBillHorn Seems like you just announced you were having a baby ♥ they grow SO FAST! Mine ♥ all grown and cute!

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