@paddydonnelly @chris_rea we don't get non-dried apricots til May and this dried one sucked.
My sock is reading the safety instructions!
My feetsies with awesome socks from www.ashidashi.com! Email me or tweet photos of your socks.
Seeing this right now
It's no 10 1/2 pounder but it was a good lobster!
Lobster time!
I'm at the beach! Hunting for sharks teeth and being shirtless for @bustedtees
Just had lunch with @ltbeyer and delivered her Gift Basket!
Front page Digg action for @jakeandamir, sweeet!
Check out wolverine.. You guys were right, 95% completed movies are missing some effects.
At julies 50th surprise bday!
Plax is tired from a run on the beach with me
Yum guacamole!
Guacamole time! Just picked up ingredients
PBS is all up in my closetz trying to steal my shirtz

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