Jill's #tittytuesday picture can be found here
Fun with s'mores
What I'm looking at right now
Typical household trash
#Thongthursday featuring @jillandjackcpl
Post-coital, post-shower drying-off and blow-drying
I told you it was a #nakedtweet!
Here's Jill's #thongthursday!
#Wetwednesday, starring @jillandjackcpl and myself
First stop: Suzie's, a local adult store
Another week, another #tittytuesday!
Are YOU following our blog? If not, you should be.
Ramos fizz
Why yes, we ARE spending Christmas Eve at the beach.
It's #thongthursday!
Jill's #wankwednesday picture
Did somebody say #wankwednesday?
Jill's #tittytuesday picture!
Lounging in bed post-coitus
Jill and I have announced that we are taking a nap.
If they don't keep it down out there, I'm hanging this from our doorknob.
The one drop that missed @jillandjackcpl's mouth
"Phthalate-free" isn't just for sex toys
Jill and her new heels

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Jack (and Jill)

Northern California

I'm on the sexual ride of my life and I'd love it if you joined me! 18+ and open-minded only please! Married to @jillandjackcpl.

web frisky916cpl.blogspot.com


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