Thank You  @VictoriaTheGerm our new American friend for our Beautiful cushions,can't wait to sleep on them.
London congestion 
@MickPuck @dubstephaven here's one for the photo album
@MickPuck A truly wonderful gig and a great shirt
More Bob Dylan last night
Bob Dylan last night.
@dubstephaven a wonderful show
It's like drinking beer back in time.
A photo of Hamsterjam
I like a puddle.
A good purchase
Gumball rally cars in Covent garden,car nerds everywhere and shit tattoos to boot.
I did not know the flowers on a tomato plant turn into tomatoes.
Bob & I
Here's a photo of my wife  @Uliefay
My new t shirt my wife don't like
My Thursday evenings
Ad enough,paint wife tomorrow.
8 Hour Self Portrait study in Mirror,Oil On Canvas.
T shirt I got when I was 15 still fits.
Michael Jackson or Emmylou Harris? You Decide...
@timstechblog look Tim it's all your fault :-)

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