A spot in the sun.
Oh what a beautiful morning!
A happy soul listening to his other half drone on opposite him.
Just got time for a glass of wine and a lardy before the game. #6nations
Or this. Come on weather, pull yourself together. You should be warming up to me now.
Really weather, its nearly April. Surely you can do better than this.
Still seems a bit too cold to me for these
Odd looking tree
Can't argue with this.
Footie in the park, the manager is giving one side he'll from the touchline
Bleeding hell, it's windy here.
Beautiful sunset
So you would request. Why don't you then? #properenglishplease
Come on in, the water's fine!
Gotta go paddling in every puddle!
More dog's life
It's a dog's life
Bloody big grave!
Spring makes a half-hearted attempt at being sprung
Somewhat bedraggled!
Rather beautiful
Look what someone just gave me. @tbagpuss
Lovely winter's afternoon in the park
'Tis a gorgeous day

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