"Before Everything Blows" #BlowUpHouston
"About To Blow" #BlowUpHouston
Painting this necktie isn't helping my eyeballs *or* my nausea. :-P
I may need to stage an intervention soon. O_o
Looks like*somebody* had an interesting Saturday night!
Wardrobe change!
My insistance on a crazy amount of detail is my downfall every time.
Starting BUD #2, a collaboration w/ @stephensb
Must keep reminding self: not alive, it's OK that you had to rip its tongue out 4x
never thought it'd be easier for me to sculpt a nose than draw one...
Okay, so it's got crazy eye. I'm not done yet. :)
yay, eyeballs!
If I can't *paint* a face, I'll just *build* one!
completed cast resin crayon, next to original clay version
Starting to add shoes & eyeballs
Success! Rice! #sushicast
Quickie crayon mold
"Rice" is almost ready! #sushicast
Mold appears useable, but the original's a goner. #sushicast
Bye, little rice pattie! See you in 4 hours! #sushicast
Tools of the Trade- silicone mold making stuff
Gonna make mold of "rice." Hat tip to @crisr for sharing the Lego mold box tip! #sushicast
Caution Wet Floor
Burgers on the grill, wine on the table

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Jen Mathis

Houston, TX

Often cosplays as a functioning human.

web jenxer.tumblr.com


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