Current status: angry at paint shoes. Also crazy eye. #painting #wip
You have no idea how tempted I am.
It will seriously be a wonder if I don't go blind while working on this in such crappy lighting. #painting #wip
But how can he afford Louboutins on a garden gnome's salary? #painting #wip
Surprisingly, it's the grass that is gonna turn my opinion of this #painting around. #wip
"I'm a terrible painter, and this should probably be burned." Taking that as my signal to stop for today. #painting #wip
Current status: Spacklin' with gesso. #painting #wip 
Lessons have been learned about the order in which I should paint things (the hard way, of course). Backgrounds with really thick, dark stripes? D
That's quite enough cursing for today. #painting #wip
Lessons learned about using charcoal to transfer sketch onto canvas, One: Don't. Lessons 2-100: See Lesson One. #painting #wip
This is what happens when I decide to be stubborn and not just do the dang sketch digitally. #painting #wip
Go go, dislocated hip joint! #painting #wip #howDoesAnatomyWork
It's not "cheating," it's "multimedia." #painting #wip
"I'm going to try #painting the skinny stripes freehand, instead of masking them." [regrets decision immediately] #wip
Right now it looks like a Valentine's Day store barfed on it, but it will get better. 
I hope. #painting #wip
What I've been doing today.
Another long day, just beginning.
Just so there is absolutely no confusion.
We call it the Thunderdome. (She gets fed from a treat ball. It goes everywhere otherwise.)
The new hotness in puppy containment technology...where we just put *ourselves* behind a cage. (To keep her away from computers)
Did I mention we're looking for a home for this belleh...I mean puppy?
I know holding her while on the couch is setting a bad precedent for her future home, but I just need her to SLEEP. NOW.
Whelp. I guess @ChiefDork and I are parents now.
New management, new policy.
Google, remember when I searched "tiny art studio," & you kept showing me 200-400sf spaces? I MEANT *TINY* as in 20sf.

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Jen Mathis

Houston, TX

Often cosplays as a functioning human.



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