@Nelle_Macbeth so today I got this one
@Nelle_Macbeth here's the one I got on Monday. I wanted if for Saturday but think it's going to be too warm
@VeggieV more veg n white stuff
@VeggieV pic2 veg n white stuff
@VeggieV dodgy recipe 1 beans and white stuff.
@jessfaith the first beef bandage has been used. Sadly not on me.
I'm so proud of my cabbage tent.
Hobnob's been hiding sleeping the sofa. He started off hiding from Rusk, then fell asleep.
@fraserke Blasting the plums!
@jessfaith here they are.
Here are our 3 beds all dug over and tidied up.
@jessfaith and look at this
@jessfaith look
@jessfaith also what's that on my plate? Oh yes
@jessfaith prepare to shudder. You know what's hiding behind that yummy coating?

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Jo Cassels


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