RT @MikeBenedikovic @joereedy Glad to see ya go since you really did not seem to know what u were talking about.>
RT @OneFemur @joereedy How many coaching openings remain to be filled? Where do I apply?>
First Jackets game of the season. Well done by  @FSOhio_KGoheen on the tickets
RT @celticbenrich @joereedy $5 price increase for 5 fewer wins. Sounds about right. #whodey>
@JayMart Just watched it. Outstanding
RT @THEREALTyner @joereedy I don't care what you do as long as you bring out the Prince pic as much as possible>
RT @THEDUDEJC @BengalsTalk @azm1995 @joereedy Not a runner on the team McFadden to Cincy>And Bernard is?
RT @Ludwig1029 @joereedy  Anyone hear if Gruden is open to trading Cousins?>
RT @mikeschanne @joereedy can you take the ticket avatar down....how about something playoff positive thoughts?>
RT @DerekTaylorINC @joereedy I know you have a relationship with 85. Are the stories about him buying out remaining tickets true?>
RT @fliptexas210 @joereedy sorry joe but I got ask "what our record with this combo ?" #gamblingwitfriends>Oh boy
RT @BeANormalGuy @joereedy Sorry if you've discussed this, but are Bengals going to be blacked out?>It's on TV
RT @Leatherman31 @joereedy so when's that positive tweet for the team or for the city for selling out the game?>Congrats for not being Buffalo or San Diego
And  @Kevin_Goheen has arrived
Dalton on being named AFC Offensive Player of the Week
Video: #bengals rookie CB Dre Kirkpatrick on when he expects to play
Video of Andy Dalton's ride on the Diamondback at Kings Island today
It's not Indy, but this weekend's idea of R&R while housesitting and going to a wedding on Saturday
Still don't know how to properly describe this call
Quick look from OSU Pro Day
the view from the Madonna press conference
Don Cherry is truly channeling Liberace tonight
Today's obligatory crowd shot from PBS

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Joe Reedy

Cincinnati, Ohio

Cincinnati Enquirer Bengals writer Joe Reedy provides team news and analysis, talks UK basketball and auto racing and shares other perspectives uniquely Joe

web www.cincinnati.com/bengals


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