@kel_holbeck @missmountshaft 
Look, Furball, the freaky!
@coastathome @ChrisGPackham Why not incorporate a Swift Tower like Cambridge!!! Houses up to 100 pairs i think. Idiots!
@kel_holbeck @missmountshaft Found your stash of secret dorm snaps from your time @ the 'Correctional Skool for Gurls'
@kel_holbeck ....
A Smith Premier 2... probably...RT @M_Studio71 @joycegrenfell @missmountshaft @Smadge23 Core!!!! #thatisall
AHEM! RT @missmountshaft @Smadge23 @M_Studio7 ..aesthetic beauty of the machine in its naked form #innit
So, you got that celebration tattoo then!?!? #Moonwalk2012 look @missmountshaft
@kel_holbeck @jacstar1969 @missmountshaft How very dare you....it was more like this! #becauseimworthit
@missmountshaft ........
@missmountshaft @kel_holbeck @jacstar1969 ahahahahahhahahhhhaaa!
@theJeremyVine Cryogenically-frozen 1950s man will be furious when he wakes up to ....@GraphicMatt
@jacstar1969 @missmountshaft Saw this and thought of you
@judyizin That's the spirit! Have some flowers....
@DSSamMurray saw this and thought of you....? #oscar
@CloudAppSoc Cold, late winter, Ferry Meadows Park, P'boro.
@HouseOfGubbins @MariaCallous 'and bennnnnnnnnd' #WD40
@Surfingsue  Indeed....Cheers! #maythe4th
@TMitC Putin on the Ritz......uhuh, uhuh
@kel_holbeck NEWCASTLE!! Genius me!! #Doh Doing a SlapShot soon!!
@mental_nigella I'm off to ponder the skies & walk dawg. I wish you happiest memories of gran to bring sweet dreams.
@missmountshaft  @MissingCurtain next time, i'll do my hairs....
@MissingCurtain just a thought....
@MariaCallous @HouseOfGubbins Pardon me dear. I hear you need ahem, a lift, well here's a mass skirt lift. A *frontbottybot* in fact. Hoozah!

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A jolly good chap, likes a fresh airtex,clean plimsoles and a pint at the bar. I say, Missmountshaft's a splendid fellow.... share some crisps after the match??


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