The note at the bottom really shows that these guys must be marketing geniuses.
Achievement unlocked: get picked up from my house by boat. Thanks @triplexml & @martitwit!
My 2 favorite things today:
My 2 favorite things today:
Apple buddies! @ghostM @tmaes #360iDev
Purple twinsies! @nwilker #360iDev
Mike and my dad "socializing."
Here are #WiebelEnWobbel for #WorldCatDay, as requested by @tammofreese. cc @depoezenboot
.@bmf I just came home to this. Poor amputated Wobbsy! #WiebelEnWobbel
@bmf This is happening right now. #Wiebel #Wobbel
If anyone wants an @AppsterdamBR sticker, ask me!
@ashfurrow What, you're not hamsteren the Hup Holland Hup hamsteren?!
Met een fijne vrouw, @SidelineNoob @ Open Tuinen Dagen, Museum Van Loon.
"I'm just resting my eyes."
@erikpub Wiebel is sleeping on our luggage and Wobbel is sleeping in the hammock.
@erikpub Wiebel is sleeping on our luggage and Wobbel is sleeping in the hammock.
The jetlag has already claimed one victim. I won't let it get to me! No! ~
iOS developers who moonlight as rockstars = awesome. @collindonnell #altconf #altbeardbash
So happy to have one of my best friends close out Day 1 of #AltConf. It’s everyone’s buddy @unsaturated!
@arepty I got a broken link:
A high of 25°C today? I can live with that.
@unsaturated @collindonnell @bmf Your dots are close to my dot.
Passing by @jdalrymple’s mothership, on our way to the other mothership. 
.@depoezenboot Inderdaad! Wiebel en Wobbel zijn blij. Ze hebben een plek voor grachtenzichten.

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Judy Chen


Community and events organizer. Former San Franciscan, lover of nature, food, music, kittehs, Burning Man. Lust for life.



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