Another late night lies ahead... Rendering five tertiary data sets into phase space plots. One shown here:
"Mud... Mud... Glorious mud!!!"
"What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?"
In Alhambra, there are many suggestions of self-similarity... Serpinski type gaskets abound.
Even on the "Book Of Kells" patterns similar to those of the M-set can be found.
From inside the Nazaries in Alhambra... Shapes that inspired Escher's study developing tessallations.
At sunset earlier...
Most of the Islamic Geometric Patterns are reworks. However, some of the original murals have been preserved...
Further studies of the Arabic inscriptions found in the Lion's Court.
Some of the intricate wood carvings that can be found on doors and walls...
Some photos of the Alhambra... The main gate:
Strange Attractor studies continue... This one looks a bit like a nautilus shell.
Rye nature reserve yesterday afternoon. Love these skies!
Edgar D. Mitchell's recount of his "overwhelming" experience coming back from the moon...
The sacred "Peyotl" from Mexico... Made by a native Huichol Indian.
The Buddhabrot... Complexity vs. Simplicity.
Spinoza's important idea: "God, or Nature..."
More attractor studies... This time a simple three value weather system.
An attractor pattern? One plot per day: hours active, hours spent with friends vs. hours slept.
@tentenuk @guardian1010 Reply from Greg Clark. Spin aside, it's hopeful... #1010
Islamic art: the sacred geometry bounded within symmetry... Off to Alhambra in Spain this Sunday.
And lastly... Part 8
Part 7
Part 6

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Karl Richard

Royal Tunbridge Wells

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it...



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