Cliff dwelling was way high & far from H20, so we finally settled by a small stream. Getting some with my gourd.
Straight up the side of a cliff me & my bro Matt went. This crib had been there a thousand years or so. AWESOME.
Way out in the desert we found a Yavapi Indian cliff dwelling. Note carbon on ceiling from years of camp fires.
We were outta food. Time to get real- you don't gather, hunt or trap it- you don't eat. Thats it. Me & my gear.
I bundled all that shit up in my blanket w/my cat tail sleeping mat & left base camp for 4 days. NO FOOD allowed.
This is my blanket w/cave man survival kit I made. There's traps, bow drill for fire, gourd canteen, rabbit stick
I hiked MANY miles into high desert to live like a cave man for 9 days. Our base camp for the 1st 6. Luxurious.
Piece of railroad tie (poor man's anvil) that my brother Mark got me & blacksmith's hammer. Gonna make REAL metal.
A tvanchor finds her hubby has a foot fetish via semen in her heels. Outs him on the 6pm news. He commits suicide.
A mom & daughter suffer from aromatic vaginal discharge. They move to an island, but even Wilson flees in disgust.
Boy afflicted w/chronic bedwetting. He's exiled & realizes sis has been putting his hand in warm H20. He kills her
Boy afflicted w/chronic bedwetting. He's exiled & realizes sis has been putting his hand in warm H20. He kills her
I just ran into my boy T who techs for Akon. Hadn't seen him in YEARS. He has THE BEST TATTOO EVER. Word.
THE FINEST miniature cheeseburgers in all of The South.
THE FINEST miniature cheeseburgers in all of The South.
D. Randall Blythe: heavy metal superstar, survivalist, skateboarder, international man of mystery AND...babysitter
My friend Raven (@rojonekku AKA The Confederate Mack) is a genius.
D. Randall Blythe: heavy metal super-star, survivalist, skateboarder, international man of mystery, &...babysitter
Mr. Chris Adler sent me this.
Grim breakfast at the Ottawa airport with Karl Alvarez of the Descendents.  NO, ALL!
The Descendents CRUSHING it here in Canada. Fuck, I just wanna take a nap now......
Me & Milo from THE FUCKING DESCENDENTS  having a cup of coffee. Such a RAD humble dude. Life goal= ACCOMPLISHED.
Our hotel at this fest has a fuckin trampoline! So RAD! (yet UTTERLY DEADLY- I lost control & flew off last night)

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D. Randall Blythe

Richmond motherfuckin' VA.

I sing for lamb of god. I ride a moped. I don't give a fuck.



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