Showed raul e pic n ask him if shes hot. So nw he's nt happy n kept askin y e fuck i hv to do tt! Jz one of..
@vrrgin69 has this cool shit E Cigarette!! Like e one johnny depp smokes in e movie "The Tourist"! Cherry flavour!
Makanan org sakit.. At A&A sembwg.. Le to the pak..
Did i mention this whole wk i gt free lunch?  i like e spicy tofu & sliced dory  very much!!
Buffet menu today is : Nasi lemak!! Habes ah lepas ni batok mesti mau rabak punye 
Still struggling to finish my assignment. Mcm nk nangis. Tp oleh kerana kebulor, makan dulu la eh baru le focus 
Free lunch again!! This tym they order $20.80 per head siak.. variety of food! 3 types of ..
Jackie bought for me "Mango Tau Huay" this time to cheer me up!! So thoughtful of her n she told me "let bygones be bygones"
Apparently  @nadyazacq thinks i hv e whole time in e world to be a clown n entertain her  ass. I know u miss me.
Da la slua ketat ade hati nk makan.. Jackie bought chicken cutlet!! N its only $2.80!! Cnt finish e rice though.. 
Subway's Q was as long as e great wall of china! settled for McDees! & i din noe they stopped serving mayonnaise!
One & only wish. I ask my bf y i no longer gt  he says "everday is  frm me to u, I cn gv u  on any days "
Today is an exceptional sunday; my mum cooked n prepared for us the great chilli crab!!!! , lookin fwd to lunch!
Aww today my bf is sooo sweet! While studying i received this 
Successfully jailbreak my 4.2.1 !!! Woohoooo !!!
Abg pendek feberet @ Adam Delight (Adam Rd) recommend me this for dinner today! Shiokkkkk!!!
And e worse!!! Lamp post alsp toppled!!! E heavy rain must b accompanied by SUPER STRONG WIND!!
Omg nvr witness this bfore! Trees toppled everywhere ard mandai!!!! Its very bad!! Was e wind too strong jz nw??!!

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