The smile on my face at 720 am on Good Day Sacramento will not be real. Just letting you know.
Pretty sure I'm the only one watching @andystanley live from an airplane right now #drive10
Surreal moment as I looked behind me during interview @ KTLY and there were his hands #OGragamuffin
25 minutes later. Still nothing on the baggage thingy. This could be the end airtran.
Bro. If you're gonna crop dust me, at least park a few dozen feet away!  Dang dude.
Production meeting  #sundayset JesusSaves,Glory2God 4ever,No1Greater/TheStand,Godof2ndChances
The 7th grade guitar player/singer in me wants to lay down 25 for this bad boy.
Headed to storage and pick up a hitchhiker.
About to record the integrity music podcast with my trusty Yeti.
So Kevin & Taylor R the real deal. thx guys 4 hanging ths morning!!! Who was listening?
Going live in 20 minutes.
Going live in 20 minutes.
hre is how U win the God of second chances TShirt.  Tweet my following tweet & I'll pick a winner...
I'm selling my Avalon U5.The dopest DI on the planet w/ a pelican case. Hit me if U're interested.
Here is the full res version if anyone wants to take a shot at making my little ad...
I'm not a designer so what can I do to make this look better.  Alignment wise?
Lord help us all.
It's birthday party time.
Happy Birthday baby girl.  Where has the time gone?  I love you. Let's stay 8 ok? No more bdays.
So in honor of her turning 8. What better place to start the day!!! #beingadadisthestuff
Night guys. Here to hoping when Bieber goes to sleep we can creep past him!!!

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Carlos Whittaker

Atlanta, GA

meatloaf is gross



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