Favorite part of the week.
Podcast time.
Oh my. I'm getting some John Mark sneak peak right now. Pure Boomsauce.
This is my kind of church. They retweeted @kanyewest on their program.
So ths is a mile from my house. I'm thinking abt tkng U guys w/ me 2 try it. Whatcha thinks in it?
So ths is a mile from my house. I'm thinking abt tkng U guys w/ me 2 try it. Whatcha thinks in it?
Love seeing #1s fall.
That might go down as the most random experience of
my life.
I brought my entourage to CNN.
Powder. #CNN
ID. Check.
Furtick is preaching for 24 hours straight. This is the view from my iPhone.
Sound check for  @CharlotteONE. See you in 2 hours!!!
Hanging at Republic House a block from my house w/ Luke,&Karis. gr8 nite. http://j.mp/9snryn
& onto the attic. No electricity is in the attic. So a flashlight will guide us up ths stairs. #mommy
This woman had a heart attack and died in this room.
Second story. Starting 2 get freaked. The bartender wnt even come up hre. She said she's seen 2 many freaky things
At Harmony Inn.Ths place is supposedly haunted & bartender gave us a key 2 explore the attic. #crappingmypants
I miss this kid when im gone  The hardest part of the road. By far. Obedience is not always easy.
This is why I love my friend  @perrynoble.
So I'm stuck watching the Steelers on the big screen. But thank God for channelsurfing.net. #falcons
I can't go anywhere without @andystanley following me.
pilot just announced that he just turned 72. 72. I cnt figure out if I shld feel safer or more scared

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Carlos Whittaker

Atlanta, GA

meatloaf is gross

web www.ragamuffinsoul.com


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