Waiting for departure, gate disconnected already. For once no delay KLM?
Peter Driessen (Co-founder & CEO of Spil Games) after finishing half marathon in 2:16
Finished the Shanghai Half Marathon in 1:43:51. Better than expected, but last 5 km were very difficult
At the start of the 2009 Shanghai Marathon!
Playing Mario & Sonic at Winter Olympics on my DS, great new game!
Having a coffee with Scott at the Dutch bakery in Hongqiao
Uncensored picture in M1NT Shanghai
Heavy smog in Shanghai...
Spil Games CTO and corp comm director also celebrate Thanksgiving in Shanghai
Thanksgiving dinner with the Spil Games Asia management
Peter Hofstede, Spil Games' Game Development Director giving a speech for the staff of our Shanghai office
Received my t-shirt for Shanghai Marathon on Sunday, colors are extremely ugly!
A big plate of sushi with a good friend from Holland at one of the Japanese restaurants on Hongmei Lu
Presents from L'Oreal China, thanks guys!
Preparing my first cup of coffee of the week
Early dim sum brunch at Zen (Pacific Place). Just as good as Zen in Shanghai.
Times Square in Hong Kong - one of best shopping malls in the city
We had dinner at Agnes B. - Le Pain Grillee tonight, a classic French restaurant on Leighton Rd.
On the ferry from Disco Bay to HK with my wife and 2 of her INSEAD girlfriends
Lan Kwai Fong (Hong Kong) at 10 PM on a Friday night
Upper House in Hong Kong, the bedroom has a great view as well
The Upper House in Hong Kong, likely best hotel I *ever* stayed at. Bathroom:
On board of the Cathay Pacific A330, nice plane
Boarding CX365 from Shanghai to Hong Kong

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Dutch serial entrepreneur and angel investor in Shanghai

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