it's raining in Paris !!
... y a seguir por aca con este pequenote que le traigo unas ganas !!!!!
 A ver, a ver, me llamo Candy ... de Caramelo .. macho, varon, masculino......
A ver, a ver, me llamo Candy ... de Caramelo .. macho, baron, masculino..azuucarrrrrrr
La secuencia nos ha sacado una sonrisa , les presento a Candy que me ha acompanado viendola!
Enchiladas Verdes!!
@paulocoelho Finally in the US/ Hasta que llegaste a USA!!!
Good Bye 2012 ! Welcome 2013 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's being spotted ! / Ya lo vieron !!
Teacher Vicky Soto gave her life to save her kids students. We honor her today
Godspeed Hero, we'll never forget you !!
Carmen we love your composite, can you send it to us without the signature !! Regards. Jackie
Please remove this picture. 
Thank You .
Jackie Pierce
Do not use this pic !
We don't like this pic , please kindly remove it from your site . Can you promote this Trailer only !!!
Carmen we want you to promote on casa azul Mario's favorite trailer and poster only, not the rest that will come out!
Cheers .
Gracias Aurora, por favor reemplacen este tambien por niestro favorite !!!
Dear we have sent the club several DMs. Can you help promote the best images of Mario ??? Use this Poster on your site , remove the other one, put this one on its place !!!!!
Begining of a night to remember/ comienzo de una noche para recordar !
Begining if a great Day/recordando el comienzo de un gran Dia!
@WebclubeuropaMC    Next stop , MADRID !
My dear help us promote this poster of MedBlue by removing other posters from your site. Cheers. Jackie Pierce !
Dear we are trying to promote this poster on this side, please help us removing any other posters from the club !!!!
@FCGDoficial en Santo Domingo . Hasta Pronto Republica Dominicana!

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