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We're live
13 Jun 2012 17:40

We're live 

Feed the Creatives

June 13th 2012, Amsterdam – MobyPicture and Tribal DDB Amsterdam launch Feed the Creatives, an online platform that brings together all the social media buzz surrounding the largest advertising festivals.

The Platform <> gathers content from sources like Twitter and Facebook
and highlights stories from all the major advertising festivals. For the Cannes Lions festival 2012, the
platform will be called Feed the Lions, a name that will change to reflect future festivals.

Feed the Lions
Cannes Lions visitors can add content to the Feed the Lions platform by tweeting and adding media via Mobypicture with the tag #canneslions. These updates will then automatically lead to the platform.

Sandra Krstic, Deputy Managing Partner Tribal DDB Amsterdam: “Today we cannot imagine going to an event like this and not being able to follow opinions in real time, filter out the best events instantly,
and discover what is going on when and where that you should not miss. This platform is a great gateway to all that matters during the Cannes advertising festival. It’s a great help for attendees as
well as the people at home. “

Win a portable wifi and access to the best parties Cannes Lions festival-goers can register <> upfront to the platform and become ‘ambassadors’ of the festival, this in turn gives them the chance to win one of the 50
MiFi’s (portable wifi’s) from Droam. A mifi makes sharing content easier, while selected ambassadors
can ‘roam’ for free with their mobile phone during the Cannes Lions festival.

The winning ambassadors will also receive tickets to the best parties, from which they can upload pictures non-stop with their Droam to Feed the Creatives.

Mathys van Abbe, founder MobyPicture: “During a festival like Cannes Lions everyone is constantly
sharing content. The interesting thing about the Feed the Creatives platform is it collects all this in
one place. The MobyNow platform is useful for festival visitors, and makes sure that people at home won’t miss Cannes Lions next year!”

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Mathys van Abbe

The Netherlands

Mr. Moby, loves life, Amelie, Mika and Eli and to jump over things. Always carries some water balloons, always...


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