Hardleers :p
Free newspaper: check. Free coffee from the Albert heijn: check. Drinkontbijt: Check! The day can begin!!
@80beans style fridge at home \o/ 
Also the BBQ was really nice!
Out for a swim \o/
It has been a while but the #nsfail is back!!! I'm in the quiet part of the train :/
@ronc didnt like THE cake :(
@ronc didnt like THE cake :(
Back in the Netherlands. Heading home.
Feet... Hurt... 

So 08:45 in the lobby, @80beans ???
W00t @Roy is paying for dinner!
Omg grolsch in NYC!!!
@antekpiechnik judging your typing, you should stop drinking!
Found more proper beer in NYC
Waiting for the @80beans crew in the hotel lobby. Went to one of the gazillion starbuckses around here.
#railsconf great informative pivotal labs talk!
Finally! Some PROPER beers!! (note the foam!) #railsconf
#railsconf @iain you lost your business card!
Much better! #railsconf
Hmmmm no #railsconf
#railsconf Nice view from the conference center
O hai one liter of beer for four dollars (3,35 euro's)
Stocking up THE minibar.

Watching the game!
@onnogroen thanks! Free wifi in the hotel rules!

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Robert Beekman

Amsterdam, North Holland

CakePHP, Ruby on Rails, Linux, Webdevelopment, Student

web matsimitsu.nl


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