@AudiUK  @jamiepound Audi A5 Sportback in Red, what a car
@jules311064 @tvfcs @rbfrs  @srcc_cameraclub
@MercedesTruckUK I've been told my new 13 tonne  Atego chassis is on the production line, will it be the new type
@jules311064  @GerdaBolton  @TipSquirrel @TonyMearman  @Gavin_Hoey
Awake and have the day off
http://www.flickr.com/photos/frpix/8424501725/  @addickpaul
@boffincat are you?
I'm getting a new Truck for Easter
Jamie is my son
It's getting worse outside
They say we are getting a mercedes zetros next year
#wideawakeclub Dee Rd Fire appliance just gone out, I'm not the only one awake, think I will get up and have a coffee 
My New Windows 8 PC
@GeneAshe just found this old photo, is that @CllrEmmaWBC
Who's in the #wideawakeclub then??!
Just had to nick this
Hay Girls its Fanuary, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ULwog8jAss&sns=em
The Onesie is on and I'm in for the night, I've had a dry Christmas and NYE will be the same.  #alcoholnotrequired
RT @_AmyTrudgett #O2WhatWouldYouDo With £250, I could buy a LOT of Starbucks:3

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