@NAMIWisconsin Flashmob to   @katyperry's #roar to recognize Minority Mental Health month. Truly EPIC.
Now this? @rhinoruns #darnweirdcat
Trying to do #yoga. Kitten claws onto my back during plank. He then decides it's time to play fetch. #darncutecat
@ketchfish cats are watching the movie too
This cracks me up #sillycat
The #cat plays fetch. Is he a cat-dog?
Peaceful moment in the sun...until the little boys closed the curtains to make a "game cave". Darn #minecraft
@rhinoruns You would like this as a run song I bet ♬ 'Best Of Me' - Christina Aguilera ♪
I spent the day chasing a mouse that entered my home #exhausted #kittyproblems
Frozen tundra out there. These guys have it made #asitshouldbe #catsrule
@RhinoRuns Wish you were here. It's warm and cozy. #home
I want to be a cat and curl up in our cozy, sunny room. I would read. They choose to wash themselves. #toeachhisown
Saw this wicked cool "ride-along" on a truck today #zombiesontrucks
That's because they are here RT @RhinoRuns Pied Piper of cats. Until I feed them. Then nothing. Nothing!!
Samcat is excited we bought an indoor playground for him #christmastree or cat tree?
Playing #plantsvszombies in 3D #legos
Re-enacting an episode of #mythbusters at work. Turns out 105 degrees is not quite hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk
Cool art at #glassnickelpizzaco in Madison
I think it is so great that our town has one of these #littlefreelibrary boxes now.
It's always fun to get books at the thrift store #stvincentdepaul
Shirt purchased at #stvincentdepaul
I want this for my workout room (basement) wall.
Kitty love makes me happy #ilovemycats

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Madison, WI

A 40 something social worker mom who loves books, music, tv, movies and is trying to love exercise.


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