كيف مواطن يسكن ايجار
عاجل وهام جدا
صالح الشيحيً
ماهكذا تورد الإبل يافقيه

صدر قرار وزير العمل برفع تكلفة العمالة الواحدة من ١٠٠ ريال إلى ٢٥٠٠ ريال .
سأعطيك مثال 
كانت الشركات والمؤسسات عند تجديد رخص العمل الخاصة تدفع ١٠
‏​‏​‏​‏​يقـول هتلر  !!!
You should note that this world ... no matter the size of concern that weighs on my chest ... and grief that inhabit my heart and pain that is tearing my soul ... Will never bow
If you can not look behind you because your past is painful

Not in front of you because your future dark

Look to the sky do not find it unfair to
It is said that the tongue has no bones Fjba!! How do (break) some hearts ,,,,,
The closed winter, the doors of your home and Hasrtk hills of ice everywhere wait the arrival of spring and open your windows to the breeze passion pure and look away you will see flocks have returned
Issued one of the kings of France, a resolution prohibiting the women from wearing gold ornaments and decorations was this decision the reaction of a large and declined to women in all obedience, bega
A wise man asked:
Why be relationships with people
ۉnhan know that the relationship will end inevitably
Why love a woman to madness
... I know it's ultimately the property of others

Aliھ wis
The great Greek historian says, "Tukedes" - author of "The history of the war Alblobunzih" - describing the case of the country and the human soul after the outbreak of class war between rich and poor

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