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Such a pity, really; the prey falling for the predator. The victim in love with the killer... A mere mortal girl thinking a demon was capable of love.
22 May 2015 11:36

Such a pity, really; the prey falling for the predator. The victim in love with the killer... A mere mortal girl thinking a demon was capable of love. 

Such a pity, really; the prey
falling for the predator. The
victim in love with the killer...
A mere mortal girl thinking a
demon was capable of love.

There was something delightfully
intimate about the relationship
between predator and prey.

I´ve read that it´s the smell
some carnivores use to find
their prey. Imagine the
trembling victim trying to hide,
but knowing that the smell of its
own fear will kill it.

One doesn't need to be taught
fear when one is the hunted.
Nenia Campbell , Bleeds My Desire
(Blood Bonds, #1)
The history of man is simply the
history of slavery, of injustice
and brutality, together with the
means by which he has,
through the dead and desolate
years, slowly and painfully
advanced. He has been the sport
and prey of priest and king, the
food of superstition and cruel
might. Crowned force has
governed ignorance through
fear. Hypocrisy and tyranny—
two vultures—have fed upon the
liberties of man. From all these
there has been, and is, but one
means of escape—intellectual
development. Upon the back of
industry has been the whip.
Upon the brain have been the
fetters of superstition. Nothing
has been left undone by the
enemies of freedom. Every art
and artifice, every cruelty and
outrage has been practiced and
perpetrated to destroy the rights
of man. In this great struggle
every crime has been rewarded
and every virtue has been
punished. Reading, writing,
thinking and investigating have
all been crimes.
Every science has been an
All the altars and all the thrones
united to arrest the forward
march of the human race. The
king said that mankind must not
work for themselves. The priest
said that mankind must not
think for themselves. One
forged chains for the hands, the
other for the soul. Under this
infamous regime the eagle of
the human intellect was for
ages a slimy serpent of
The human race was
imprisoned. Through some of
the prison bars came a few
struggling rays of light.
Against these bars Science
pressed its pale and thoughtful
face, wooed by the holy dawn
of human advancement. Bar
after bar was broken away . A
few grand men escaped and
devoted their lives to the
liberation of their fellows.

When an animal comes between
the lion and its prey, the animal
first becomes the prey before
the main prey.

A cockroach can not attend the
meeting of chicken and be
offered innocent.

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is a poem without words.*
A man may die, nations may rise and fall,but an
idea lives on. Ideas have
endurance without death. Fact don't cease to
exist even when you IGNORE IT.
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I'm asking for your hand in marriage and signing a prenup. Such a pity, really; the prey falling for the predator. The victim in love with the killer... A mere mortal girl thinking a demon was capable of love. The dollar isnt worth its weight in gold, and the pound isnt worth its weight in ounces You are a man of your word, which is now worth it's weight in gold. .
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