@dr_nic 😏
Courtesy of @citizenpluto - everybody to the limit!
Well this is upsetting.
In context I totally feel for her and Jetstar could have dealt with it better but loltwitter.
2. This lovely comment left on our fb by a woman who rang for help buying a gift voucher. She was so appreciative.
1. receiving a box of new products as a global thanks to staff for 20 Lushy years
Hey @jdub!
Really, #Smiggle?
Someone sprayed "Islam is evil" on the corner of Doncaster & Alison Rd in Randwick. Reminded me I saw this on Monday
This is clearly photoshop (check out the uniform lettering) but it makes me laugh every time so here it is again.
New besties because damn my skin is shit right now
New besties because damn my skin is shit right now
Oh fuck off
Day slightly improved when I eventually got to work and more randomly found in clean up things had been left for me.
Assumptions made about teens w/ mental illness are dangerous (+ my thoughts/experience) http://everydayfeminism.com/2015/06/assumptions-teens-mental-illness/
Got some comedians in the neighbourhood today
Lunch = Hungarian Goulash and nockedli
@ChrissieM There you are! Safe travels.
Anyway to relax I am going to watch a prolife propaganda film I stumbled upon on netflix that is sure to be horrific.
@citizenpluto look at what i just found and thought of you as i put it on!
Always the last song (or is it?)
Also fuck ya
Best song
The Coog pretty glorious this morning

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Can't spell Clovelly w/o love

May cause drowsiness


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