Dinosaur Jr in #cle
Morning commuter traffic jam, Put-In-Bay style.
The 17year cicada drone outside work clocks in at -/+80dB today. All damn day.
We morlocks get balcony seats for these events
The dog was far too scared to fuck with this murder of crows that’s moved in on the block #birdcrew
Things I enjoy: 1: @AJGPanda 2: pizza 3: this dog: 4: very few other things
I have the strongest urge to cut my phone in half on this bandsaw.
Aaaaand my workday begins:
On my way to unsubscribe my email address from your list:
Oh my.  Dancing Hitlers are not cool.
Woke up and for a second I was afraid I was Martin Sheen.
Woke up and for a second I was afraid I was Martin Sheen.

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Fundamentally Lazy

Hot Dog City

This elevator only goes to the basement, and someone made an awwwful mess down there. a #roughfollow Individual results will vary. Dictated, not read. NSFW

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